"ChickenFinger" is a character I created for my children one night as a bed time story. He/It is a Pickle Detective who lives above a Chinese Restaurant in some parallel universe where anything is possible. His hair is coiffed of mustard (he's shy about the baldness) and his eyes are olives. You'll find it hard to see him without a glass of olive juice, straight up or on the rocks at all times. His best skill: his mastery of disguise.
His best friend is a unicorn name Cukumber. Cuckumber is better known as the "Skittle-Tootin'-Flying-Rainbow-Unicorn". If you can't guess, his super power (dirty secret) is that he toots skittles when he gets excited, nervous or mad. It happens a lot. "Free Skittles!"
This portfolio is a challenge to myself to draw a "ChickenFinger original" every day for as long as I can keep it up. I saw it somewhere on the internet and the guy got famous drawing ducks or something. I'll even throw in a couple Cukumber originals if i can. Cheers, hope you like it, come back often to check up on my Pickle-a-day-challenge.