Gemini Design

Design for Perfection

Here at Johnny Inc we strive to create a product with flair. A product of thought and compassion. We call it Gemini Design. This is where we take your design needs and expand upon them to create a solution that recovers from the chaos of the input. Simply put, we put the simple into the complex. We strive for a minimalist interface and an efficient behind the curtain mentallity. We build everything on a get it done at any cost attitude.

  • Fort Victoria

    Victoria, the capital city of our Beautiful Province British Columbia, is home base for our little company. It's a cozy island town ripe with culture, history, and natural beauty. We'd love for you to visit.

  • Lands and Peoples

    Home to the West Coast Indigenous People for thousands of years, Vancouver island is the sacred homeland of many vibrant Nations. Johnny Inc takes pride in being an Indegenous owned and run Technology company.

  • Community and Environment

    A community based approach in every breath. Reuse, Recyle, Reuse,'s a heartbeat we wear proudly on our chest. Focusing on clean envinronmentally friendly practices in our products, and more importantly in how you will interact with them.

  • Board Design

    Custom is cool. We want to make your next project sing. From IoT to COTs Production, or updating and improving your current product, let Johnny Inc take on all your needs. We'll design your logo and packaging as well giving your product every advantage in the marketplace

  • Software

    We must gaze into the eye of the beast in order to tame it. This is how we view coding. The flowchart has made a comeback. Construct, test, simplify, test again. We dream in Python here. We visualize in C. We gulp Java. The puns intended.

  • Solutions

    We know it takes more than a narrow vision to get things done. If you require the full spectrum to complete your goals, give us a call. If you woke in the middle of the night and want to produce your napkin sketch in full, let johnny inc and our talented team manage your project to completion. We Deliver.

  • ROV & AUV Design

    We Breathe underwater. High pressure design and upgrade to ROV and AUV vehicles from 1 Atmosphere electonics, to Telemetry characterisation and programming.

  • Subsea Sensors and Monitoring

    Successful construction of subsea one Atmosphere controls for monitoring, and logging of subsea sensors. We are fufilling the need to explore the unexplored. Whether it's Mass Spectrometry, Acoustic Mappipng, Magnetometers, or Water Samplers, we have done it.

  • Artistic Prescence

    The box sells. We package your your product from scratch as required, to make your finished product...well, finished. We put the logo on, help you come up with one if needed, and facilitate a package that helps you stand out.

From Every Failure Come Growth

Seamless Integration, Maximum Gains